Gaute Hope, Hanne Sagen, Espen Storheim, Halvor Hobæk, Lee Freitag (2017). Measured and modeled acoustic propagation underneath the rough Arctic sea-ice. In review for publication in J.Acoust. Soc. Am. August 2017.
H. Sagen, Peter F. Worcester; Matthew A. Dzieciuch; Florian Geyer; Stein Sandven; Mohamed Babiker; Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller; Brian D. Dushaw; Bruce Cornuelle (2017) Resolution, identification, and stability of broadband acoustic arrivals in Fram Strait. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141, 2055 (2017); doi:
Brian D. Dushaw, Hanne Sagen and Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Sound speed as a proxy variable to temperature in Fram Strait, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 622-630 (2016).
Brian D. Dushaw, Hanne Sagen and Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, On the effects of small-scale variability on acoustic propagation in Fram Strait: The tomography forward problem, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140, 1286-1299 (2016).
Brian D. Dushaw and Hanne Sagen, A Comparative Study of Moored/Point and Acoustic Tomography/Integral Observations of Sound Speed in Fram Strait Using Objective Mapping Techniques, J. Atmost. Oceanic Tech., (2016).
Hanne Sagen, Brian D. Dushaw, Emmanuel K. Skarsoulis, Dany Dumont, Matthew A. Dzieciuch, and Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Time series of temperature in Fram Strait determined from the 2008–2009 DAMOCLES acoustic tomography measurements and an ocean model, J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2015JC011591 (2016). [no page numbers]
Geyer F, Sagen H, Hope G, Babiker M, Worcester PF. Identification and quantification of soundscape components in the Marginal Ice Zone. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 139, 1873 (2016);
Mikhalevsky, P. N.; Sagen, H.; Worcester, P. F.; Baggeroer, A. B.; Orcutt, J.; Moore, S. E.; Lee, . M.; Vigness-Raposa, K. J.; Freitag, L.; Arrott, M.; Atakan, K.t; Beszczynska-Möller, A; Duda, T. F.; Dushaw, B. D.; Gascard, J. C.; Gavrilov, A. N.; Keers, H.; Morozov, A. K.; Munk, W. H.; Rixen, M.; Sandven, S.; Skarsoulis, E.; Stafford, K. M.; Vernon, F.; Yuen, M. Y. Multipurpose Acoustic Networks in the Integrated Arctic Ocean Observing System. Arctic 2015 ;Volum 68.(5) s.1-17, DOI:
Andrey K Morozov, Douglas C. Webb, Ching-Sang Chiu, Peter F. Worcester, Matthew A. Dzieciuch, Hanne Sagen, Jacques Yves Guigné, Thomas W. Altshuler (2016). High-efficient tunable sound sources for ocean and bottom tomography, 15 years of operating history. OCEANS16 MTS/IEEE Monterey Technical Program.
Conference papers
Florian Geyer, Bruce Cornuelle, Hanne Sagen. Stability and predictability of acoustic time fronts in the Fram Strait – moving towards assimilation of acoustic tomography results from the ACOBAR and UNDER-ICE projects. Proceeding paper for the fourth Underwater Acoustic Conference June, 2017, Skiathos, Greece. Presenter: Florian Geyer.
Brian Dushaw and Hanne Sagen. The role of simulated small scale ocean variability in inverse computations for ocean acoustic tomography. Proceeding paper for the fourth Underwater Acoustic Conference June, 2017, Skiathos, Greece. Presenter: Brian Dushaw.
Brian Dushaw, John Colosi, Timothy Duda, Arata Kaneko, Hanne Sagen, Emmanuel Skarsoulis, , Matthew Dzieciuch, Xiaohua Zhu. Ocean acoustic tomography: A missing element of the ocean observing system. Proceeding paper for the fourth Underwater Acoustic Conference June, 2017, Skiathos, Greece. Presenter: Brian Dushaw.
Espen Storheim, Hanne Sagen, Peter F. Worcester, Matthew A. Dzieciuch. The UNDER-ICE Experiment – overview and preliminary results. (Invited). Proceeding paper for the fourth Underwater Acoustic Conference June, 2017, Skiathos, Greece. Presenter: Espen Storheim.
Asuka Yamakawa, Jenny Ullgren, Rune Øyerhamn, Echosounder observations from an unmanned surface vessel in the Arctic. Proceeding paper for the fourth Underwater Acoustic Conference June, 2017, Skiathos, Greece. Presenter: Asuka Yamakawa.
Asuka Yamakawa, Hanne Sagen, Mohamed Babiker, Peter F. Worcester, Birgitte Furevik. Impacts of Anthropogenic and Environmental factors on the underwater soundscape in the Fram Strait. Proceeding paper for the fourth Underwater Acoustic Conference June, 2017, Skiathos, Greece. Presenter: Asuka Yamakawa.
Stein Sandven, Hanne Sagen et al. INTAROS: Acoustics in the Arctic Observing System. Proceeding paper for the fourth Underwater Acoustic Conference June, 2017, Skiathos, Greece. Presenter: Stein Sandven.
Halvor Hobæk and Hanne Sagen, Refelction of sound from a rough ice canopy. Proceeding of the 40 th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical acoustics, Geilo, Norway, 29 Jan-3 Feb. 2017.
Espen Storheim, Asuka Yamakawa, Hanne Sagen, Geir Pedersen (2016) Impact of long distance propagated seismic signals on soundscape in the Fram Strait. Use of ACOBAR data and PE modelling. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics. Vol. 38. Pt. 3. 2016.
Asuka Yamakawa, Hanne Sagen, Mohamed Babiker, Peter Worcester, Birgitte Furvik (2016). Soundscape characterization and the impact of environmental factors in the central part of the Fram Strait. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics. Vol. 38. Pt. 3. 2016.
Florian Geyer. Detecting Seismic Airgun Shots In The Marginal Ice Zone Soundscape. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics. Vol. 38. Pt. 3. 2016.
Tollefsen, Dag; Sagen, Hanne; Tengesdal, Hans Christian. Arctic ambient noise: Synoptic measurements in the Fram Strait marginal ice zone. 22nd International Congress on Acoustics; 2016-09-05 - 2016-09-09
Dag Tollefsen and Elin M. Dombestein, Hanne Sagen. Modeling of noise due to distant seismic exploration in the Marginal Ice Zone. Proceeding to the 10th Euronoise 2015, Maastricht, June/May 2015.
Tollefsen, D. and H. Sagen (2014). ”Seismic exploration noise reduction in the Marginal Ice Zone”. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136, EL47.
Hanne Sagen, Dag Tollefsen, Hans C Tengesdal (2014). The soundscape of the Fram Strait marginal Ice zone. In the proceeding of UAC 2014 - 2nd International
Vigness-Raposa, Kathleen J.; Schroeder, Cheryl, Sagen, Hanne; Final environmental assessment report for the UNDER-ICE experiment. UNDER-ICE Project Report-1. Technical report 345, August, 2014.
Sagen, Hanne; Worcester, Peter; Geyer, Florian; Ullgren, Jenny; Beszczynska-Möller, Agnieszka; Falck, Eva. UNDER-ICE 2014: Cruise report. NERSC technical report 347, 2015. 40 pages
Geyer, Florian; Yamakawa, Asuka; Dzieciuch, Matthew; Sagen, Hanne. Processing of acoustic tomography data in the ACOBAR and UNDER-ICE experiments and development of new metadata structure for acoustic moorings. NERSC Technical Report no. 361, 2015.
Jenny Ullgren. Arctic Ocean Under Melting Ice (UNDER-ICE) WP2. Dynamic processes in the Fram Strait marginal ice zone. Bergen: The Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center 2016 32 s. NERSC Technical Report (373)
Halvor Hobæk and Hanne Sagen. Reflection of sound waves from the underside of rough ice canopy in the Arctic Ocean. NERSC Technical Report 374. October 2017. 23 Pages